Sunday, January 8, 2012

First Post

It took me a long time to even thing of a name for my blog AND a title. Now I have to type up a first post? This has been a lot of creative work! I don't see myself as very creative, but an extremely good friend of mine (who is probably one of the greatest friends I've ever had) thinks I am, so I've decided to try this year to start blogging. One of the things or mediums I feel like I can be really creative with is food.

I. Love. Food.

I love learning about new foods, new recipes, new anything-involving-food. I love learning about different cultures and their food. I love hearing my boyfriend complain about how there is nothing in the house to eat and I can whip up a meal on the spot with the most random of things.

So this blog is going to be about food. In the next couple of posts I want to explain my journey with food (I've had some health problems related to food), my experience with vegan cooking, and my dietary plans for the next year.

What do I hope for? I hope to find people who have similar issues with food that I do and what they do to combat it. I hope I can share my recipes with everyone and I hope that constantly blogging about my culinary adventures will motivate me to create more recipes.

Oh, and I also hope it will help me write more creatively and have my own personality show through more in my writing. Fingers crossed, right? I feel with all good blogs, a big personality shines through.

What's a good way to end this?
I don't know.